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Solution for Sold Out Issue
Solution for Sold Out Issue

To address the issue of products showing as "Sold out" after being imported from Dropshipman, we have identified the problem as being caused by Dropshipman being set as non-shippable in your Shipping settings. To make the products available for sale, please follow these steps: 

🔶Setp 1:  Log in to your Shopify store admin, go to “Settings > Shipping and delivery > General shipping rates ”. 

🔶Step 2:  In the General shipping rate section, find Not shipping from Dropshipman-Service. Click the "Add rates" button and confirm, then click the "Save " button at the top to save the settings and complete the addition of Dropshipman-Service.


If you have any questions or need further assistance, please feel free to reach out. Thank you very much! 😊

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