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Link your Shopify store-How to
Link your Shopify store-How to

There are two methods to connect your store to Dropshipman, one is install Dropshipman app on Shopify app store, another is create an account on

Method 1. Install Dropshipman app on Shopify app store

✔Step 1: Search "Dropshipman" and install it on Shopify app store.

✔Step 2: Click “Install" again and you can have a valid Dropshipman account now!

In addition, it's suggested to pin our app on Shopify Apps, so that it will be easier for you to check all tabs. It's also highly recommended to complete all tasks we prepared for newees, which will help you know more about Dropshipman and we offer special rewards for the task!

 Enjoy your journey on Dropshipman!

Method 2: Create an account on Dropshipman

✔Step 1: Create a Dropshipman account

✔Step 2: Go to Shopify Settings and confirm your store link, then complete the store link on Dropshipman page to connect your store.

✔Step 3: Then your store will show an installation page of Dropshipman, please click “Install”.

✔Step 4: Now you have a valid Dropshipman account. It's suggested to pin our app on Shopify Apps, so that it will be easier for you to check all tabs. It's also highly recommended to complete all tasks we prepared for newees, which will help you know more about Dropshipman and we offer special rewards for the task! 

Enjoy your journey on Dropshipman!👏

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