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How to cancel or get a refund after successful subscription?
How to cancel or get a refund after successful subscription?

After the 7-day trial period, the subscription bill will become effective and the system will automatically deduct the subscription fee. 

If you find that the plan does not meet your needs after the fee is deducted, you can cancel the plan and ask for refund at any time.

To proceed a plan cancellation, please go to Dropshipman plan page, and click the "Downgrade" button on the free plan. Now the paid package is successfully cancelled.

✍Note: The billing system will automatically calculate the number of days you have used and deduct the corresponding fee, and the remaining fee will be automatically refunded to you.

However, please kindly know that there is no trial day available for Basic plan, service is activated once user subscribes to Basic plan, so refund for Basic plan is normally not supported. 

Please feel free to contact us if you have any concerns about the subscription and refund.

Thank you for your understanding about our position regarding refunds. Rest assured that we remain committed to providing excellent dropshipping fulfillment services to all our clients. Thank you!😊

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